Personal Growth
Why Values Matter

Why Values Matter

What does it mean to you when I say: “Live life from your values”? What are values, exactly? And why are they so darn important? In a nutshell, living life from your values means living life from the inside, out. Which is the best way to say Hurray! Need more...

How to Own Your Perfect

How to Own Your Perfect

Do you ever fear that you are not enough? That you don't measure up? Or that you're not perfect? I hear you! For years I struggled as a perfectionist. And... It wasn't until I found the Beauty of Imperfection that I could truly embrace and accept all parts of myself....

Lessons from Trees

Lessons from Trees

I didn't use to think of myself as an "outdoors" girl. In fact, many in my circles would still agree that I am way more city than country. And that's true. But when I was much younger I used to love sitting in a tree in my suburban backyard. The branches of a big soft...