When is the Right Time to Buy a Bra?

Aug 15, 2022 | Bra Options, Hurray for Lingerie, Personal Style, Style Solutions, Underneath, Warner's | 0 comments

Sponsored by Warners

Be honest: how old is your bra? I’ve fit thousands of folks since 2005, and one major mistake I see: they wait WAY too long to buy new bras. I get it, buying new bras can be confusing, time consuming, and expensive. Plus, folks who wear bras often put their family, kiddos, or other priorities first. Then they look down one day and realize their bra is totally uncomfortable and stretched out, or they are still wearing the nursing bras from their last pregnancy, even though all the kids are grown. It happens!

The truth is: a bra that fits well also feels good. It gives you the shape and confidence you need to say hurray! Have no fear, I’m here to help. Below you’ll find information on how long bras really last, a few ways to help them last longer, and how to tell when it’s time to replace your bra. Plus, I have a few fabulous suggestions if you’re ready to buy new bras!

Psst! This post is sponsored by Warners, a proud partner of Hurray Kimmay. I always share tips and products I can really stand behind!

How Long Do Bras Last

So how long are bras supposed to last? Most brands say 6-9 months. You can help them last longer, but it’s actually wise to check in on your size, best fit, and condition of your bras that often, anyhow. So give your drawer a check every 6-9 months and lovingly let go of those that no longer work.

A few factors that might affect how long your bra lasts:

  • How many bras you have to rotate. If you just have 1-2 bras to wear over and over again they will wear down really fast. It’s best to build a bra wardrobe so you have a few to rotate. That way you can let the elastic “rest” and recover after wearing it. Try your best to not wear the same bra twice in a row!
  • How you wash your bras. Washing in the machine or (heaven forbid!) the dryer is a common way to ruin bras. You can help the elastic (and your bra) last longer by using gentle soap and the gentle cycle. Better yet – hand wash! And either way, make sure you hang dry. More info on care here.
  • Your size and bust. Some bras are “working harder” than others, simply because they have more to lift or carry all day. Bras that support a fuller, heavier, or saggier bust are under a lot more pressure than those that support a more petite, lightweight, or perkier bust. Even if it’s hard to hear, it’s important to acknowledge and lovingly build out a bra wardrobe that works for you!
  • Bra quality and material. Some bras are made of super duper power mesh, while others are made of very stretchy, gauzy material. Just like clothes, the more durable material will last the longest!

Signs It’s Time For a New Bra

  1. It doesn’t fit! Our bodies change all the time, and that’s ok! Donate those in good condition that don’t fit to a good cause and fill your drawer with well fitting bras. I suggest Free the Girls and I Support the Girls.
  2. The elastic is worn out. The band is the most important part so if it’s on the tightest setting and still too loose or riding up – time for it to go.
  3. It’s damaged. If it has holes, stains, is pilling, or the cups are creased or dented… let it go!

A bra’s job is to support your bust and your wardrobe. In the end, if it no longer fits well or feels good, it’s time for it to go.

Buy & Try

Need new bras? Here are two great, everyday options from Warners!

The new Cloud 9 Wireless Lift Convertible Comfort Bra (RN1041A) comes in Easy Sizing that fits a range of sizes so getting a good fit is a breeze. Plus it’s wire free with built-in pads that provide a round silhouette without roaming around. It even has a little extra padding in the bottom of the cup for some extra lift. The band and straps are adjustable for a great fit, and these straps can convert with a snap! 

If you want an underwire style, The No Side Effects Underwire Lightly Lined Bra (1356) is a classic! It has sleek cups and great underwire shape, front adjustable straps, and a smoothing panel until the arm for a polished look.

Want to try more Warners styles? This brand has great comfortable, smooth bras that work with most wardrobes and feel great. Hit the refresh button on your bra drawer and say hurray!

Remember that even the best bras out there need to fit in order to feel comfortable, and that comfort will provide you with all day (and night) confidence! If you wear bras, grab a spot in my Free Bra Class to check on the fit of your bras and take your first step toward saying hurray inside, outside, and underneath™!

Free Bra Class

Want to wear a bra without ripping it off at the end of the day? Watch How to Find a Comfortable Bra Fit For Your Body WITHOUT Wasting Your Money on Bras You Dread Wearing! Plus, you'll also get Kimmay's Bra Fit Guide, and a taste of Bra Confidence & Comfort™. Watch now and don't spend another minute feeling uncomfortable in your bra.

Your turn: How long have you had your bras? When was the last time you went bra shopping? How do you current bras feel? Which bras need a refresh? Share with me over on Instagram or TikTok @hurraykimmay!
Credits: Proudly sponsored by Warners. Images by Kimmay! No airbrushing or photoshopping, ever.