Hurray! I’m Kimmay.

I’m an Undergarment Educator and Self-Love coach that helps people feel comfortable (and confident!) in their bras without wasting time and money. I’m so glad you’re here!

Want to feel comfortable in your bras? Watch my free class!

Kimmay on Today


Did you see Kimmay on Today discussing comfortable bras with Jenna and Savannah? Hurray! Shop the styles from the show (including some bonus styles that didn’t make it to air!) and learn about getting a comfortable fit and your most cozy bra. Plus there’s a link to watch the replay over on Today’s website!

Kimmay on Rachael Ray


Did you catch Kimmay recently on Rachael Ray? Hurray! Check out the recap of the segment, shopping links to the items, and extra tips that didn’t make it on air! {Plus you can see Kimmay’s past appearances on the show!}

More Than My Numbers


Discover this inspiring campaign with stories from brave and extraordinary women just like you. Learn how to use numbers (like age, weight, salary, and bra size) as information – not a definition.

Free Bra Class

Want to wear a bra without ripping it off at the end of the day? Watch How to Find a Comfortable Bra Fit For Your Body WITHOUT Wasting Your Money on Bras You Dread Wearing! Plus, you'll also get Kimmay's Bra Fit Guide, and a taste of Bra Confidence & Comfort™. Watch now and don't spend another minute feeling uncomfortable in your bra.

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