We need your help!
Our world needs some more goodness, hurray, and bravery in it. And sharing our numbers to avoid assumptions, understanding and connecting with one another, and finding confidence and comfort are some big steps toward just that. Help us empower the women of the world to say “I am #MoreThanMyNumbers“. Because when we release the definition of numbers and see who we really are, anything is possible. Here are a few ways that you can get involved!
Apply to Participate
Do you have a story to share about numbers? We’re looking for “models”, aka anyone willing to show up and shine. Learn more about how you can apply to be a More Than My Numbers participant below.
Share Your Numbers
You don’t have to participate in a photo and video shoot to be a part of the project! Learn more below about how you can participate from anywhere, just by sharing your numbers on social media and telling the world “I am #MoreThanMyNumbers”. More info below.
Spread the Word
The easiest way to get involved – tell everyone about it! Learn more about sharing with your friends, women in your lives, and with your favorite bra brands below.
More Information: Apply
We want to share your story!
Applicants are volunteers who step up to bravely share their numbers and their stories around numbers in photos, a video, and a blog post. Each participant is fit by Kimmay Caldwell, bra fitting expert and creator of the More Than My Numbers project, and get to keep the bra (and/or panty) that they wear in the campaign shoot.
The campaign currently shoots in NYC and participants must live in the area or be able to travel. We are open to sharing the stories of anyone who identifies as a woman, and love to hear your stories around any number(s). We are especially looking to share stories of women across several races, ages, heights, skin tones, weights, and more. Participants bodies are never airbrushed or photoshopped, so you can truly show up and shine as your full self. Hurray!
More Information: Share
Did you know that sharing your numbers can educate, enlighten, and inspire another person? So much of what holds us back is just “not knowing”. You don’t have to volunteer to participate in the More Than My Numbers campaign photo shoots to make a difference. You can share your numbers and your story from anywhere! Here’s how:
- Find your bra measurements and bra size starting points
- Share them on social media
- Option: Use one of our handy printables to share your numbers, or just your name and what defines you!
- Be sure to use #MoreThanMyNumbers and tag @hurraykimmay so we can support your bravery for telling the world “I am #MoreThanMyNumbers”
More Information: Spread the Word
A few ways to spread the word:
- Link to the More Than My Numbers landing page www.morethanmynumbers.com or to a favorite story and encourage your friends or followers to learn more and participate
- Share our IndieGoGo link and tell your loved ones why supporting the More Than My Numbers project means so much to you
- Keep sharing on Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat and Twitter! The more you share, the more chances of someone seeing this important information. You never know who needs to hear what you and the project have to offer.
- Sign up for the Hurray Kimmay newsletters and forward the stories to those who need to hear it! Or, share the links in an email to your very own email list.
- Use hashtag #MoreThanMyNumbers when you share on social media, and tag @hurraykimmay so Kimmay and her team can share the love.
- We’re looking for sponsors! Tell your favorite bra brand, women’s company, etc about the project and suggest that they get involved.
Thank you for spreading the word!
Are you a bra brand or company whose mission aligns with the More Than My Numbers mission? Sponsorship packages are available for our next shoot date. Learn more below.
Feature the Project
Do you want to feature or interview the More Than My Numbers team on your website, in an interview, or in a publication? We’re all for it! More info below.
More Information: Sponsor
Sponsorship packages are now available for our upcoming shoot on April 2nd. Align your brand with the More Than My Numbers project while making 1-5 women’s stories possible. You’ll enjoy well organized marketing (logo placement, social mentions, newsletter inclusion, sponsor spotlight, and more) thanks to the Hurray Media marketing team. Contact Kimmay at [email protected] for packages and pricing asap!
More Information: Feature Us
Kimmay Caldwell, the creator of the More Than My Numbers project, along with some of the participants and team members are available for interviews, panel discussions, speaking, and more. Contact Kimmay at [email protected] for press releases, images, and all press or appearance inquiries.