Hurray & Welcome. 

This is your Self Forgiveness hub. What you’ll find here is my gift to you. And self compassionate forgiveness is a gift you can give yourself, over and over again. It’s a step you can take toward self love. In the lifelong journey toward saying hurray inside, outside, and underneath, this is a practice you can come back to again and again. Below I’ve created a few different ways to walk through this practice. Explore a little. See what feels good. Try a few different methods on for size. Keep coming back again and again, applying this compassionate practice like a layer of love and uncovering the truth.

Choose your own adventure below. Dive in.

Watch the Live Virtual Workshop

Join my hour long Full Moon Forgiveness workshop along with other people who are learning how to use this practice, too. This is my most powerful tool that I come back to again and again, and use with my coaching clients to help them let go of misunderstandings, and to welcome in the truth. It’s the first step toward learning how to uncover your confidence, stand in your power, and learn to love yourself inside, outside, and underneath™. Hurray!

Settle in with a cup of tea, in a private, cozy area so you can really dive in deep. The more you do this practice the deeper you may be able to go, or the faster you may be able to access your feelings of forgiveness. Don’t give up after the first try! Get started now and make a commitment to yourself to let go of what’s not serving you and welcome in support, guidance, and truth. I’m right here with you and so honored to help you take your next step on this journey xo

Want some additional Self Forgiveness tools? Try these!

Read the Blog Post

Read more about compassionate self forgiveness, along with a few common misunderstandings, and a guided audio recording.

Listen to the Guided Audio

Sit back and tune in to this 13 minute guided meditation, focusing only on walking you through the practice.

Download the Worksheet

{NEW} Download your own forgiveness worksheet to write out your process as you go through the practice.

Want deeper guidance?

Learn what’s it’s like to go through this practice, and many others, one-on-one with me. Apply for a coaching conversation and let’s uncover your hurray.